Friday, October 9, 2009

10/8-9 Closing in on our Final Due Dates

We are powering through our Self-Portraits. Students have been working super hard, in class and some after school, to complete their beautifully unique Self-Portraits. I'm truly excited to display them at our Lower Division Exhibition Night (10/28).

Here are our newest due dates:

Tuesday, Oct. 13 - Rough Draft of Artist's Statement Due (I, II, III) see Organizer handout

Thursday/Friday, Oct. 15/16 - Final Self-Portraits Due
These need to be completed in full color, including symbols, within their final silhouette.

Monday/Tuesday, Oct. 19/20 - Final Artist's Statement Due (I, II, III, IV) including final reflection

Come One Come All:
I will have my doors open both Tuesday and Thursday after school for anyone to join me in the Art Studio. 3:30-5:30


Anonymous more information said...

When is the due date? I have not heard any announcements regarding this issue. Please, let me know. Waiting for your timely response.

December 24, 2019 at 5:24 AM  

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